In the heart of Campania, nestled on the slopes of the Lattari Mountains, lies Gragnano, known as the city of pasta. Renowned for its production of high-quality dry pasta, Gragnano represents a culinary excellence and a pride of the Neapolitan territory. Its roots delve deep into millennia-old history, intertwining with ancient cultures and traditions.
Its History
The history of Gragnano pasta stretches back through the annals of time, reaching as far back as the Roman era. During that period, wheat was ground in the Gragnano region, and the obtained flours were used to feed neighboring cities like Pompeii and Herculaneum. The first family-run pasta factories emerged in the 16th century, capitalizing on a confluence of favorable climatic factors and quality spring water that created ideal conditions for pasta production. Until those years, however, pasta was a little-known food, only becoming a staple following the famine that affected the Kingdom of Naples, thanks to its nutritional properties and low production cost. The golden age of Gragnano pasta dates back to the 1800s, a period when large non-family-run pasta factories were established. The 20th century, and particularly the two World Wars, tested the Gragnano pasta factories severely, but the determination of the producers and the quality of the product allowed production to continue until today.
Characteristics for an Inimitable Pasta
What makes Gragnano pasta so special is the combination of simple ingredients: high-quality durum wheat semolina, spring water from the Lattari Mountains, and bronze die extrusion. By using high-quality raw materials and allowing the pasta to dry slowly in the cool marine breezes, a unique final product is obtained with a rough and porous texture, just like that of tradition.
An Ancient Heritage to Preserve and Enhance
The city of Gragnano and its excellent pasta production represent a culinary heritage to be preserved and enhanced. Every bakery, every pasta factory embodies a centuries-old tradition proudly passed down from generation to generation. Visiting Gragnano means immersing oneself in a unique atmosphere, being carried away by its authentic flavors. Tasting a dish of Gragnano pasta means savoring the Campanian culinary tradition.