Violacea Neapolitan Eggplant in Oil by Sapori Vesuviani | StoreIta...
    Violacea Neapolitan Eggplant in Oil by Sapori Vesuviani | StoreIta...

    Violacea Neapolitan Eggplant in Oil

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    Neapolitan aubergine 60%, extra virgin olive oil 38%, wine vinegar, salt and natural flavors

    270g glass jar

    The product represents an excellence of the territory certified 100% Made in Italy. 



    Neapolitan Aubergine is harvested from late September to the end of November and is an excellent Serbian aubergine, thanks to the few seeds, the consistency of the pulp and the poor discoloration of the stored product.

    It is a typical vegetable deeply rooted in the peasant traditions of self-consumption and which occupied an important place in the pantry of the Neapolitan families. Traditionally, most of the berries were peeled, sliced, pickled, blanched in water and white wine vinegar, squeezed and preserved in oil (with garlic, oregano and hot pepper) for the whole year. Currently, Neapolitan aubergines continue to be used for the domestic preparation of pickles or pickles, perhaps enjoyed together with spicy provolone, roast pork ribs or in the "merenda del cafone" version (clump of bread with aubergines in oil).

    Sustainable Development
    270 gr
    10 Items

    Sapori Vesuviani is a wonderful family-owned biodynamic agricultural company located on the slopes of the volcano, in the heart of the Vesuvius National Park. Here, Pasquale Imperato's passion blends with the cultural heritage accumulated over decades. The company is famous for producing the Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio D.O.P. and the Vesuvian Apricot, the true treasures of the region. Sapori Vesuviani's mission is to preserve peasant traditions, combining them with innovation to create top-quality, healthy, and genuine products. Each product, following the seasons, is carefully produced, processed, and preserved to bring back the authentic flavors of the past. The quality of the raw materials, harvested at the right moment, and meticulous processing methods ensure excellent products.

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